Window Opener Kit for sills 2" or greater - RF Remote Operation - Wood Technology


Window Opener Kit for sills 2" or greater – RF Remote Operation



Window Opener Kit, RF Remote Operation

SKU: 4030.004.495

This system combines convenience with comfort, allowing you to control your window’s operation via a small remote without leaving your chair. The RF control does not require a direct line of sight and allows you to open and close windows from a distance of over 30 feet. The opener is mounted to the window sill and frame, the RF Receiver is mounted in the desired location and the power supply is plugged into a wall socket. The entire set-up can be ready to use in a few minutes with a few simple household tools. Ships complete from our North Carolina facility via UPS Ground. There is toll-free tech support and a YouTube installation tutorial can be viewed for added convenience.

  • Window width is 12″ – 30″
  • Window opener with mounting hardware and wiring
  • RF Receiver with Remote
  • Power supply, Basic
  • Connecting wires and couplings
  • Easy to read instructions
SKU: 4030.004.495 Category: